Data Cleaning and Harvesting
During investigations, you will often find documents in different formats, making data analysis difficult and progress a challenge. Learning new Excel techniques for data cleaning is an essential step to transform this "chaos" into a clear and organized format. Along with the data harvesting techniques you will learn in this course, you will be able to quickly identify suspicious transactions that might indicate illicit activity.
Take your skills to the next level by learning how to:
- Prepare financial documents for data analysis
- Apply Excel functions to fix formatting errors
- Identify additional sources of financial data
- Use OCR software to digitise hard copies and export data
- Scrape data from websites.
This course is self-paced. You can start, take breaks, and continue at any time. It is structured in sessions that build on each other, so we recommend you start with Session 1.After completing the course, you will be eligible for a certificate of completion.
Note: If you are new to analysing financial data, we recommend you start with our course on Financial Analysis using Excel
Collective Action Against Corruption
Collective Action is a powerful anti-corruption approach that brings businesses, civil society, and international stakeholders together to address shared corruption challenges and promote integrity and fair competition. This fully interactive course equips participants with the practical skills needed to conceptualise, establish, and implement Collective Action initiatives in diverse settings.
In this course, you will take on the role of Martha, a young entrepreneur in the fictional country of “Wakandaa.” Faced with a window of opportunity as the new government pledges to crack down on corruption, you will identify key stakeholders from the private sector, civil society, and the international community to join you in creating a Collective Action initiative. Together, you will explore the unique corruption challenges and work to promote fair business opportunities.
You will learn to:
- Identify and engage relevant stakeholders from the private sector, government, and civil society
- Understand the principles of Collective Action and how to apply them in anti-corruption efforts
- Navigate common challenges, such as managing conflicting stakeholder expectations and building trust
- Adapt to changing political and economic landscapes in the fight against corruption
- Develop and implement strategies for improving business integrity and fair competition
By the end of the course, you will have hands-on tools to build and lead successful Collective Action initiatives, addressing corruption challenges through collaboration and mutual trust.
This course is ideal for:
- Private sector professionals, including compliance officers, auditors, and risk managers
- Government representatives involved in anti-corruption or procurement initiatives
- Civil society and international organisations focused on transparency, accountability, and economic development
Open-source Intelligence
Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is a central element of most corruption and money laundering investigations. The information and evidence you can gather from publicly available sources can make the difference between a successful investigation and a dead end. Through a simulated investigation, this course will help you learn the basics of how to prepare, conduct and report an OSINT undertaking.
- Introduction to OSINT and the intelligence cycle;
- Preparing your research environment;
- Searching the open web and deep web databases;
- Analysing domain records to find information about websites;
- Using cached and archived records to retrieve past versions of websites;
- Gathering information from social media sites;
- Exploiting the visual and meta information of images;
- Searching online communities, investigating dark web pages and bitcoin;
- Preparing a report of an OSINT investigation.
During the course you immerse yourself in a simulated investigation into the fishing vessel FV Malaga and its owner, the organisation Mossaman Commodities. You follow open-source leads about the misuse of company structures that reveal indicators of illegal fishing and the smuggling of endangered animal parts.
The course was developed by our eLearning team in collaboration with subject matter experts from ICAR and our Green Corruption programme, with primary funding from PMI Impact. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Latvian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Albanian, Ukrainian.
Coopération internationale et demande d'entraide judiciaire
Les dossiers de corruption et de blanchiment de capitaux exigent généralement des efforts d’investigation qui dépassent les frontières nationales. Pourquoi ? Une société versant des pots-de-vin par rapport à un contrat peut se trouverdans un pays étranger. Il se peut que des avoirs acquis ou utilisés par le suspect soient enregistrés au nom d’une société étrangère. Un fonctionnaire corrompu peut assurer le blanchiment de pots-de-vin sur un autre territoire. Unecoopération internationale couronnée de succès et le regroupement d’informations et de preuves sont essentiels à la réussite des poursuites.
Par le biais d’une simulation d'enquête sur l'agent public « Daniel Regnard », vous développerez les compétences dont vous aurez besoin pour demander des informations et des preuves à des sources internationales et en assurer leregroupement.
Vous allez apprendre à:
- de comprendre l’importance de la coopération internationale, de découvrir les canaux internationaux que vous pouvez utiliser, et d’identifier les éléments les distinguant ;
- d’utiliser les sources d’informations ouvertes, comme les registres des entreprises, les articles de la presse écrite, les réseaux sociaux et les sites web d’entreprises pour regrouper des informations ;
- de présenter des demandes informelles d’informations par l’intermédiaire des canaux utilisés entre différents services de police et diverses CRF ;
- de comprendre les principes et les exigences légales de la demande d'entraide judiciaire (DEJ), ainsi que l’admissibilité des preuves étrangères dans les procédures pénales nationales ;
- de rédiger efficacement des DEJ et, le cas échéant, de répondre à un refus.
Ce cours est en auto-formation. Vous pouvez commencer, faire des pauses, et continuer à tout moment. Dans la mesure où il est divisé en sessions suivant une suite logique, nous vous conseillons de commencer par la session 1. À la fin ducours, vous aurez droit à une attestation de formation.Langues: Anglais, espagnol, portugais, français, ukrainien, bulgare, letton, albanais, serbe, roumain. Durée : 10 séances ; environ 5 heures au total.
{mlang}Analyse Opérationnelle des Déclarations d'Opérations Suspectes
L’analysedes opérations suspectes visant les activités associées à unblanchiment de capitaux ou au financement du terrorisme constitue unefonction essentielle des cellules de renseignements financiers (CRF).Cecours vous permettra d’apprendre à évaluer le risque d’activitésuspecte et à analyser les déclarations d’opérations suspectes (DOS).
Ce cours a été développé en coopération avec le Groupe Egmont des CRF, et est basé sur le contenu de la formationdispensée in situ par le Groupe Egmont en matière d’Analyse tactique.
Ils’adresse principalement aux analystes des CRF, mais est égalementutile à toute personne analysant des preuves dans le cadre d’une enquêtefinancière.
Vous apprendrez à :
- de comprendre les principales responsabilités incombant à une CRF ;
- d’établir une distinction entre les informations et les renseignements ;
- d’évaluer le risque d’activité suspecte ;
- de soumettre une DOS à une analyse incluant toutes les étapes ducycle du renseignement : l’élaboration d’un plan de collecte et d’unehypothèse, la collecte, l’analyse et l’évaluation des informations, ainsi que la rédaction et ladiffusion d’un rapport sur vos conclusions.
Ce cours est en auto-formation. Vous pouvez commencer, faire despauses, et continuer à tout moment. Dans la mesure où il est divisé ensessions suivant une suite logique, nous vous conseillons de commencerpar la session 1. À la fin du cours, vous aurez droit à une attestationde formation.
Langues: Anglais, Espagnol, Portugais, Français, Ukrainien, Bulgare.Analyse financière réalisée avec Excel
Pour la plupart des enquêteurs, Excel est l’outil de prédilection pour l'analyse des informations financières.Dans ce cours, vous utiliserez Excel pour organiser et analyser de grandes quantités de données telles que lesdossiers bancaires, les factures, les relevés téléphoniques et les opérations commerciales.
- placer vos données à l’abri de modifications accidentelles ;
- utiliser des fonctions simples de repérage des opérations inhabituelles ;
- tirer pleinement parti des filtres pour trouver les données précises que vous recherchez ;
- utiliser des sous-totaux pour résumer vos données financières instantanément ;
- faire des résumés interactifs à l’aide de tableaux croisés dynamiques.
Vous découvrirez également les caractéristiques types de l’utilisation illégale de comptes bancaires dans unemesurevous permettant d’approfondir l’étude des possibilités d’analyse de données financières.
Ce cours est en auto-formation. Vous pouvez commencer, faire des pauses, et continuer à tout moment. Dans la mesure où il est divisé en sessions suivant une suite logique, nous vous conseillons de commencer par la session 1. À la fin du cours, vous aurez droit à une attestation de formation. Langues: Anglais, Ukrainien, Portugais, Albanais, Serbe, Espagnol, Ukrainien, Bulgare.Illicit Enrichment: A Guide to Laws Targeting Unexplained Wealth
Illicit Enrichment by Andrew Dornbierer provides a comprehensive guide to illicit enrichment laws and their application to target unexplained wealth and recover proceeds of corruption and other crimes.
Guidelines for the efficient recovery of stolen assets
A set of international good practices toenhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the asset recovery process. Languages: English, French, Spanish.
Guide to the role of civil society organisations in asset recovery
A practical guide to how civil society organisations can play a role in the asset recovery process. Languages: English, Ukrainian, Arabic.
Informal governance
Unwrittenrules, special favours, “reaching an understanding”. Informality is what happens outside the formal, rules-based system - and the study of informality has big implications for the fight against corruption.
From 2016-2018, the Basel Institute on Governance, in partnership with University College London and SOAS researched informality and its relationship with corruption and governance. A multidisciplinary team ofresearchers explored how corruption really works in seven countries in East Africa and Eurasia.
Their findings shed light on why "conventional" anti-corruption practices have been so unsuccessful to date, and on the kinds of policies and interventions that could have a bigger impact in the fight against corruption.
Illegal wildlife trade and financial crime
Part 1 of the learning series explores financial crimes and supply chain vulnerabilities that facilitate the illegal trade in wildlife and thereby increase companies’ legal, financial and reputational risks. It is aimed at companies, policy makers, practitioners and law enforcement.
Forest crime and the illegal timber trade
Part 3 of the Wildlife crime – understanding risks, avenues for action learning series explores how corruption facilitates timber trafficking and the mingling of legal and illegal supply chains.
Public-private partnerships for financial intelligence sharing
Financial intelligence is the staple food of investigations into corruption, money laundering and other financial crimes.
Much financial intelligence is held by private-sector institutions such as banks and other financial service providers. How does that get into the hands of law enforcement, where it can trigger or inform investigations? And how can we improve the system?
This quick guide gives a brief introduction to public-private partnerships or platforms for financial intelligence sharing. It sets out how they work in practice, and how they can improve the sharing of targeted, useful information between law enforcement and financial institutions.
Multi-agency asset recovery task forces
To effectively combat organised and financial crime, it is often necessary for countries to establish multi-agency asset recovery task forces. This quick guide examines their composition, the nature of cases they work on and how they can be set up. It also touches on the benefits of having such task forces in place and highlights success stories and lessons learnt from previous experience.
Corruption and human rights
Could anti-corruption benefit from a human rights perspective? How can the two communities work better together – and what are some risks and challenges? This quick guide gives a brief introduction to the ideas of the Basel Institute’s Vice-President, Professor Anne Peters, and some of our initial work at the intersection of corruption and human rights.
The disposal and sharing of assets
Asset recovery is a critical tool in the fight against corruption and organised crime. But what happens after assets have been confiscated? How can they be most effectively repurposed, in order to contribute to sustainable and equitable development? This quick guide examines the various approaches that states take to allocate, redirect or repatriate confiscated assets.
Asset recovery legislation
Asset recovery tools are integral to combating corruption, organised crime, sanctions evasion and other profit-motivated crimes. However, in many states, the range of asset recovery tools available to law enforcement and criminal justice agencies is limited.
This quick guide examines the established good practices in asset recovery legislation as well as less conventional, broader measures. It shows how states can widen their asset recovery toolkit and increase the potential for asset recovery success.
Informal networks and anti-corruption
Understand the role of informal social networks in enabling corruption, and why anti-corruption interventions should focus more on networks than on individuals.
Illicit Enrichment Alumni
How to investigate and prosecute the offence of illicit enrichment, also known as possession of unexplained wealth, using financial investigative methods like Source and Application of Funds Analysis and Net Worth Analysis, overcome legal challenges associated with the offence. This course is designed for practitioners handling corruption cases.
Financial Investigation / Asset Recovery Alumni
How to use criminal investigative techniques to gather evidence in orderto prove different elements of a money laundering and corruption violation and direct an asset recovery action. This is our signature training workshop, laying the foundations for other courses.
- Trainer: Phyllis Atkinson
- Trainer: Federico Paesano
- Trainer: Thierry Ravalomanda
- Trainer: Tom Walugembe
- Trainer: Peter Huppertz
- Trainer: Thierry Ravalomanda
Testing some concepts
Survey: Continuing Education for Professionals with the Basel Institute on Governance
This survey aim to assess the needs and interests of professionals in anti-corruption, asset recovery, compliance, business integrity, good governance and related fields for advanced continuing education.
- Trainer: Jörg Schmidt