Chuyển tới nội dung chính
Open-access guidelines and practical resources on asset recovery, illicit enrichment and wildlife crime
Practical resources

Tên khóa học Illicit Enrichment: A Guide to Laws Targeting Unexplained Wealth

Course summary text:

Illicit Enrichment by Andrew Dornbierer provides a comprehensive guide to illicit enrichment laws...

Practical resources

Tên khóa học Guidelines for the efficient recovery of stolen assets

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A set of international good practices to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the asset ...

Practical resources

Tên khóa học Guide to the role of civil society organisations in asset recovery

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A practical guide to how civil society organisations can play a role in the asset recovery ...

Practical resources

Tên khóa học Informal governance

Course summary text:

Unwritten rules, special favours, “reaching an understanding”. Informality is what happens ...

Practical resources

Tên khóa học Illegal wildlife trade and financial crime

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Part 1 of the learning series explores financial crimes and supply chain vulnerabilities that ...

Practical resources

Tên khóa học Forest crime and the illegal timber trade

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Part 3 of the Wildlife crime – understanding risks, avenues for action learning series explores ...

Practical resources

Tên khóa học Illegality in the exotic pet trade

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Part 2 of the Wildlife crime – understanding risks, avenues for action learning series provides ...

Practical resources

Tên khóa học Corruption in marine wildlife trafficking

Course summary text:

Part 4 of the Wildlife crime – understanding risks, avenues for action learning series explores...