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UNCAC Chapter V - Asset recovery
The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) explicitly states asset recovery as a fundamental principle of the Convention (Article 51, UNCAC) and dedicates an entire chapter to asset recovery (Chapter V). This chapter outlines, inter alia:
- measures to be taken for the prevention and detection of transfers of proceeds of crime (Article 52);
- measures for direct recovery of property (Article 53);
- mechanisms for recovery of property through international cooperation in confiscation and international cooperation for purposes of confiscation (Articles 54 and 55);
- measures for the return and disposal of assets (Article 57).
Other relevant articles
- participation of society (Article 13);
- prevention and criminalization of money-laundering (Articles 14 and 23);
- protection of reporting persons- or whistle-blowers (Article 33);
- compensation for damage (Article 35)
- cooperation between national authorities and the private sector (Article 39);
- bank secrecy (Article 40);
- mutual legal assistance (Article 46).
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Last modified: Monday, 3 August 2020, 9:19 AM