Completion requirements
Method of engagement
Campaign and lobby government for asset recovery related legislative, institutional and policy reform.Possible actions
- Develop and maintain contact with stakeholders driving legislative and public policy reform processes, such as key ministries, members of parliament and members and leaders of concerned parliamentary sub-committees.
- Lobby state institutions and semi-state organisations (e.g. professional associations representing enablers) on addressing system weaknesses that allow assets to be stolen.
- Develop case-based studies that draw out the underlying systems weaknesses that led to the assets to be lost, with a view to make the need for policy reform more easily accessible.
- Engage with media, academia and other CSOs to align reform demands, generate a broad coalition and increase the number of advocacy channels.
- Capitalise on political changes for opportunities to affect policy changes.
- Actively follow the concerned country’s legislative reform schedule to conduct timely advocacy campaigns.
- Identify and partner with potential champions for legislative initiatives as an avenue to propose provisions dealing with the asset recovery process.
Best practices
- Identify specific expectations and goals to be achieved within your reach of capabilities.
- Develop a core message of your work and adapt it to different audiences.
- Present information and resources only from reliable sources to establish credibility.
- Consider approaching third parties to independently assess the benefits of the proposed changes, in order to increase their appeal.
- Identify the constraints in conveying your message to key decision makers (if you cannot lobby direct decision makers, lobby those who have influence over direct decision makers).
- de Toma, Costanza. Advocacy Toolkit: Guidance on How to Advocate for a More Enabling Environment for Civil Society in Your Context. Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness, 2012.
- UNDP web page on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in the Arab States
- Chowdhury, Naved, Chelsie Finlay-Notman, and Ingie Hovland. Working paper 272. CSO Capacity for Policy Engagement: Lessons Learned from the CSPP Consultations in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Overseas Development Institute, 2006.
- Open Government Partnership
CSO examples
Last modified: Monday, 3 August 2020, 11:45 AM