
Unofficial Translation (Courtesy of DeepL) Article 448 Illicit enrichment The authority, official or public employee who, without committing a more severely punished offence, obtains an increase in his or her wealth that is significantly in excess of his or her legitimate income during the course of his or her duties and cannot reasonably justify its origin, when required by the competent body specified by law, shall be punished by three to six years imprisonment and disqualification from holding public office or employment for the same period.
Artículo 448 Enriquecimiento ilícito

La autoridad, funcionario o empleado público, que sin incurrir en un delito más severamente penado, obtenga un incremento de su patrimonio con significativo exceso, respecto de sus ingresos legítimos, durante el ejercicio de sus funciones y que no pueda justificar razonablemente su procedencia, al ser requerido por el órgano competente señalado en la ley, será sancionado de tres a seis años de prisión e inhabilitación por el mismo período para ejercer cargo o empleo público.

Type: Criminal Illicit Enrichment Laws

Last update on LEARN: 3 de março de 2022