Law title (English):
Law text (English):

Country Law
Prevention of Corruption and Economic Offenses Act, 1999 (as amended by Prevention of Corruption and Economic Offences (Amendment) Act of 2006)
Law No. 3 of 1970 on Unjust Enrichment
Law on the Approval and Entry into Force of the Criminal Code 26 September 2000 No VIII-1968 (as amended 21 November 2017 No XIII-791)
Penal Code of Madagascar (as amended by Law No 2016-020 of 22 August 2016 on the Fight Against Corruption
Corrupt Practices Act 1995 (as amended in 2004)
Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission Act, 2009
Law No. 2014-015 of 27 May 2014 on the Prevention and Repression of Illicit Enrichment
Criminal Code 2011
Law No. 2016.014 on the Fight Against Corruption
The Good Governance and Integrity Reporting Act 2015