
Unofficial Translation (Courtesy of DeepL)

Article 268(2) Unlawful enrichment of officials and employees

Any person who, upon being duly requested, does not justify the origin of appreciable enrichment of his or her own wealth or that of a third party seeking to conceal it, which occurs after assuming a public office or employment and up to two (2) years after having ceased to perform his or her duties, shall be punished by imprisonment of two (2) to six (6) years, a fine of two (2) to five (5) times the value of the enrichment, and absolute disqualification for life. (Paragraph replaced by section 36 of Law No. 27,401 B.O. 1/12/2017. Validity: ninety (90) days after its publication in the Argentine Official Gazette)

It will be understood that there was enrichment not only when the wealth had been increased with money, property or things, but also when debts had been cancelled or obligations affecting them had been extinguished.

A person who has brought an action to conceal enrichment shall be liable to the same penalty as the perpetrator of the act.

(Article replaced by Article 38 of Law No. 25,188 B.O. 1/11/1999. Validity: eight days after its publication).

Artículo 268(2) Enriquecimiento ilícito de funcionarios y empleados

Será reprimido con prisión de dos (2) a seis (6) años, multa de dos (2) a cinco (5) veces del valor del enriquecimiento, e inhabilitación absoluta perpetua, el que al ser debidamente requerido, no justificare la procedencia de un enriquecimiento patrimonial apreciable suyo o de persona interpuesta para disimularlo, ocurrido con posterioridad a la asunción de un cargo o empleo público y hasta dos (2) años después de haber cesado en su desempeño. (Párrafo sustituido por art. 36 de la Ley N° 27.401 B.O. 1/12/2017. Vigencia: a los noventa (90) días de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina)

 Se entenderá que hubo enriquecimiento no sólo cuando el patrimonio se hubiese incrementado con dinero, cosas o bienes, sino también cuando se hubiesen cancelado deudas o extinguido obligaciones que lo afectaban.

La persona interpuesta para disimular el enriquecimiento será reprimida con la misma pena que el autor del hecho.

(Artículo sustituido por art. 38 de la Ley N° 25.188 B.O. 1/11/1999. Vigencia: a los ocho días desde su publicación.)

Type: Criminal Illicit Enrichment Laws

Last update on LEARN: 3 3月 2022