Law title (English):
Law text (English):

Country Law
Criminal Code of the Republic of El Salvador, 26.04.1997 (as of 29.01.2020)
Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador (1983)
The Prevention of Corruption Act 2006
The Criminal Code of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation no.414/2004
Prevention of Bribery Act (Promulgation No.12 of 2007)
Proceeds of Crime Act 1997 (as amended by the Proceeds of Crime Amendment Act No.7 of 2005 and by the Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Decree 2012 (Decree No.61 of 2012))
Penal Code
Penal Code
Criminal Code, Decree No. 17-73 (as amended by the Law Against Corruption, Decree No 31-2012)
Criminal Code, Law 59/2016
Integrity Commission Act 1997