Law title (English):
Law text (English):

Country Law
Anti-corruption Act (as amended 2016)
Criminal Code of the Republic of Colombia, Law 599 DE 2000, from 24.07.2000
Congolese Criminal Code from 30.01.1940 (as amended by Law N° 05/006 from 29.03.2005)
Law n° 5-2009 of 22 September 2009 on Corruption, Misappropriation, Fraud and Similar Offences
Ordinance No. 2013-660 on preventing and combating corruption and related offences (20.09.2013)
Criminal Code of the Republic of Cuba, Law no. 62, from 29.12.1987
Law No. 111/AN/11/6th L on Combating Terrorism and Other Serious Crimes (25.05.2011)
Law No. 311-14 establishing the National Authorized and Uniform System of Declaration of Wealth of Public Officials and Civil Servants, from 11 August 2014
Integral Organic Criminal Code of the Republic of Ecuador of 10.02.2014
Law no. 62 of 1975, Regarding Illegal Gains