Quick guides
Quick guides
Tên khóa học Border Corruption
Border corruption is a complex phenomenon with serious impacts on safety, health and security. ...
Tên khóa học Strategic corruption
This Quick Guide is the second in a two-part series on the tangible yet under-addressed impacts ...
Tên khóa học Corruption and security
"Corruption plays a critical role in undermining stability, global governance and international ...
Tên khóa học Sexual corruption
Sexual corruption is a serious and under-recognised form of both corruption and sexual abuse. A ...
Tên khóa học Public-private partnerships for financial intelligence sharing
Financial intelligence is the staple food of investigations into corruption, money laundering and...
Tên khóa học Multi-agency asset recovery task forces
To effectively combat organised and financial crime, it is often necessary for countries to ...
Tên khóa học Corruption and human rights
Could anti-corruption benefit from a human rights perspective? How can the two communities work ...
Tên khóa học The disposal and sharing of assets
Asset recovery is a critical tool in the fight against corruption and organised crime. But what ...
Tên khóa học Asset recovery legislation
Asset recovery tools are integral to combating corruption, organised crime, sanctions evasion and...
Tên khóa học Informal networks and anti-corruption
Understand the role of informal social networks in enabling corruption, and why anti-corruption ...
Tên khóa học Money laundering and sanctions evasion using the art market
This quick guide briefly explains the unique characteristics of the art market that make it ...
Tên khóa học Money laundering through the gambling industry
This quick guide sets out how criminals abuse the gambling industry to launder illicit funds. It ...
Tên khóa học Court monitoring
This quick guide explains the role of national risk assessments in addressing money laundering ...
Tên khóa học National risk assessments
This quick guide explains the role of national risk assessments in addressing money laundering ...
Tên khóa học Tax investigations and illegal wildlife trade
What role could tax investigations play in detecting, investigating and prosecuting cases of ...
Tên khóa học Internal controls and anti-corruption
Learn what internal controls are and how they help organisations to prevent, detect and respond ...
Tên khóa học Analysing a suspect’s financial affairs in a corruption case
How to use Source and Application of Funds analysis to inform corruption and money laundering ...
Tên khóa học Strategic anti-corruption guidelines for development agencies
The purpose, focus and value of strategic anti-corruption guidelines for development agencies.
Tên khóa học Financial investigations and asset recovery
This quick guide explores the main ideas and trends in financial investigation in the context of ...
Tên khóa học Offshore structures and beneficial ownership
This quick guide looks at how criminals manipulate and misuse corporate vehicles in offshore ...