Free interactive certificate courses on key skills to investigate corruption and money laundering and recover stolen assets
Course Image {mlang pt}Informações de fonte aberta{mlang}{mlang sq}Inteligjenca me burim të hapur{mlang}{mlang uk}Розслідування на основі відкритих даних{mlang}{mlang sr}Informacije iz otvorenih izvora{mlang}{mlang uk}Розслідування на основі відкритих даних{mlang}{mlang bg}Разузнаване с използване на открити източници{mlang}{mlang es}Inteligencia de Fuente Abierta {mlang}{mlang id}Intelijen Sumber informasi Terbuka{mlang}{mlang other}Open-source Intelligence{mlang}

Intelijen Sumber informasi Terbuka

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Intelijen Sumber informasi Terbuka/Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) adalah inti sebagian besar penyelidikan korupsi dan pencucian uang. Informasi dan bukti yang Anda kumpulkan dari sumber yang tersedia untuk umum dapat menentukan apakah penyelidikan anda akan berhasil atau menemui jalan buntu. Melalui simulasi investigasi, kursus ini akan membantu Anda mempelajari dasar-dasar untuk mempersiapkan, melakukan, dan membuat laporan penyelidikan menggunakan OSINT.

  • Pengantar OSINT dan siklus intelijen;
  • Mempersiapkan lingkungan penelitian Anda;
  • Melakukan pencarian di database open web dan deep web;
  • Menganalisis catatan DNS untuk menemukan informasi tentang situs web;
  • Menggunakan catatan cache dan arsip untuk mengakses versi situs web sebelumnya;
  • Mengumpulkan informasi dari situs media sosial;
  • Memanfaatkan informasi visual maupun meta dari foto;
  • Melakukan pencarian komunitas daring, menyelidiki halaman dark web dan bitcoin;
  • Menyiapkan laporan penyelidikan menggunakan OSINT.

Selama kursus ini Anda akan melakukan simulasi investigasi tentang kapal penangkap ikan FV Malaga dan pemiliknya, organisasi yang bernama Mossaman Commodities. Anda mengikuti petunjuk sumber terbuka tentang penyalahgunaan struktur perusahaan yang mengindikasikan penangkapan ikan ilegal dan penyelundupan bagian tubuh hewan yang terancam punah.

Kursus ini dikembangkan oleh tim eLearning kami bekerja sama dengan pakar dari ICAR dan program Green Corruption kami, dengan pendanaan utama dari PMI Impact.

Course Image {mlang sr_lt}Međunarodna saradnja i međusobna pravna pomoć u krivičnim stvarima{mlang}{mlang sq}Bashkëpunimi Ndërkombëtar dhe Ndihmë Juridike në Çështjet Penale{mlang}{mlang ro}Cooperarea internațională în materie penală{mlang}{mlang uk}Міжнародне співробітництво у кримінальних справах{mlang}{mlang fr}Coopération internationale et demande d'entraide judiciaire{mlang}{mlang es}Cooperación internacional y asistencia jurídica mutua{mlang}{mlang pt}Cooperação Internacional e Assistência Jurídica Mútua{mlang}{mlang bg}Международно сътрудничество взаимопомощ по наказателноправни въпроси{mlang}{mlang other}International Cooperation and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters{mlang}

International Cooperation and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

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Corruption and money laundering cases generally require investigative efforts beyond domesticborders.Why? A company paying bribes for a contract might be located in a foreign country. Perhaps assets acquired orusedby the suspect are registered in a foreign company's name. A corrupt official may launder bribes in anotherjurisdiction. Successful international cooperation and the collection of information and evidence are key to asuccessful prosecution.

Through a simulated investigation into the public official "Daniel Regnard", you will gain the skills you need tocollect and request information and evidence from international sources.

You will learn to:

  • Understand the importance of international cooperation, the international channels you can use and thedifferences between them
  • Use open-source information sources like company registries, newspaper articles, social media and companywebsites to gather information
  • Request information informally via police-to-police and FIU-to-FIU channels
  • Understand the principles and legal requirements of mutual legal assistance (MLA), and the admissibility offoreign evidence in domestic criminal proceedings
  • Write effective MLA requests and respond to their refusal if needed

This course is self-paced. You can start, take breaks and continue at any time. It is structured in sessions thatbuild on each other, so we recommend you start with Session 1. After successfully completing the course, youwill be eligible for a certificate of completion

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Latvian

Duration: 10 sessions; approximately 5 hours in total

Course Image {mlang bg}Оперативен анализ{mlang}{mlang es}Análisis Operativo de Reportes de Operaciones Sospechosas{mlang}{mlang fr}Analyse Opérationnelle des Déclarations d'Opérations Suspectes{mlang}{mlang ru}Оперативный анализ{mlang}{mlang uk}Oперативного аналізу{mlang}{mlang pt}Análise Operacional de Relatórios de Transacções Suspeitas{mlang}{mlang other}Operational Analysis of Suspicious Transaction Reports{mlang}

Operational Analysis of Suspicious Transaction Reports

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Analysing suspicious transactions for actitiesrelated to money laundering or the financing of terrorism is a corefunction of Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs).

In this course, you will learn to assess the risk of suspicious activity and analyse suspicious transaction reports(STRs).

This course was developed in co-operation with the Egmont Group ofFIUs and is based on the content of the Egmont Group’s on-site TacticalAnalysis training. It is aimed primarily at FIU analysts, but is usefulfor anyone analysing evidence as part of a financial investigation.

  • Understand the core responsibilities of an FIU;
  • Differentiate between information and intelligence;
  • Assess the risk of suspicious activity;
  • Conduct an analysis of an STR, including all steps of theintelligence cycle: creating a collection plan and hypothesis,collecting, analysing and evaluating information, and creating anddisseminating a report of your findings.

This course is self-paced. You can start, take breaks and continue atany time. It is structured in sessions that build on each other, so werecommend you start with Session 1. After successfully completing thecourse, you will be eligible for a certificate of completion.

Course Image {mlang ro}Analiză financiară folosind EXCEL{mlang}{mlang sr}Finansijska analiza pomoću EXCEL-a{mlang}{mlang sq}Analiza financiare duke përdorur EXCEL{mlang}{mlang bg}Финансов анализ с помощта на Excel{mlang}{mlang uk}Фінансовий аналіз за допомогою Excel{mlang}{mlang fr}Analyse financière réalisée avec Excel{mlang}{mlang pt}Análise financeira utilizando Excel{mlang}{mlang uk}Фінансовий аналіз за допомогою Excel{mlang}{mlang es}Análisis financiero básico{mlang}{mlang other}Financial Analysis using Excel{mlang}

Financial Analysis using Excel

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For most investigators, Excel is the tool of choice to analyse financial information. In thiscourse, you will use Excel to organise and analyse large volumes of data such as banking records, invoices, phonerecords and commercial transactions.

  • Protect your data from accidental changes
  • Use simple functions to find transactions that stand out
  • Unlock the power of filters to find exactly the data you are searching for
  • Use subtotals to summarise your financial data instantly
  • Create interactive summaries using PivotTables

You will also gain insight into typical patterns of illegal use of bank accounts, allowing you to further explorepossibilities to analyse financial data.

This course is self-paced. You can start, take breaks and continue at any time. It is structured in sessions thatbuild on each other, so we recommend you start with Session 1. After successfully completing the course, you will beeligible for a certificate of completion

Course Image {mlang uk}Наочна демонстрація справ та грошових потоків{mlang}{mlang bg}Визуализиране на случаи и парични потоци{mlang}{mlang uk}Наочна демонстрація справ та грошових потоків{mlang}{mlang fr}Visualiser les cas et les flux d'argent{mlang}{mlang pt}Visualização de casos e fluxos de dinheiro{mlang}{mlang es}Visualización de casos y flujos de dinero{mlang}{mlang other}Visualise Cases and Flows of Money{mlang}

Visualise Cases and Flows of Money

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Corruption and money laundering investigations often involve complex structures of persons, companies and otherentities. This is challenging to present to a supervisor or colleagues, or even in a courtroom. A graph or diagramdepicting the relationships between entities in the case and the flows of money between them can make it easier forothers to understand. In this course you will use the free software yEd software.

  • Create clear and interpretable graph to present entities in a case you are investigating
  • Visualise meaningful connections between these entities
  • Depict the entities with custom pictures
  • Use layout functions to make your graph ready for analysing in a few clicks
  • Use Excel data to create graphs that make financial flows comprehensible
  • Add meaningful details, such as thicker connection lines to represent greater amounts of money
  • Make your graph versatile, for example by exporting it to PowerPoint

This course is self-paced. You can start, take breaks and continue at any time. It is structured in sessions thatbuild on each other, so we recommend you start with Session 1. After successfully completing the course, you will beeligible for a certificate ofcompletion.

Course Image {mlang ro}Analiza Sursei și a Aplicării Fondurilor{mlang}{mlang sq}Analiza e burimit dhe aplikimit të fondeve{mlang}{mlang bg}Анализ на източника на финансиране и начина на употреба на средствата{mlang}{mlang uk}Аналіз джерел та використання коштів{mlang}{mlang lt}Naudas līdzekļu izcelsmes avotu un izlietojuma analīze{mlang}{mlang pt}Análise da origem e utilização dos fundos{mlang}{mlang es}Análisis de origen y aplicación de fondos{mlang}{mlang fr}Analyse des sources et des applications des fonds{mlang}{mlang other}Source and Application of Funds Analysis{mlang}

Source and Application of Funds Analysis

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The Source and Application of Funds Analysis is a simple yet powerful method to prove unknown or illegal income in acorruption or money laundering case when direct evidence is not available. It is also a crucial tool in cases ofillicit enrichment in countries where this is criminalised.

You will learn how to:

  • Understand how indirect evidence like bank records can contribute to proving bribery and corruption cases and/orprovide evidence in cases of illicit enrichment
  • Calculate a suspect's unknown/illegal income using the Source and Application method
  • Find “sources” and “applications” of funds in your case
  • Use a simple Excel template that helps you to calculate the amount of unknown/illegal income

This course is self-paced. You can start, take breaks and continue at any time. It is structured in sessions thatbuild on each other, so we recommend you start with Session 1. After successfully completing the course, you will beeligible for a certificate of completion

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Latvian

Duration: 10 sessions; approximately 5 hours in total